The Board for Financial Support to Political Parties

The Board for Financial Support to Political Parties examines matters relating to support from the state to the political parties. This support is granted for the general activities of parties both within and outside the Riksdag.

The election results determine how much money the parties are granted. Applications for support are to be submitted in writing to the Board.

More about support to the political parties

The Board consists of a chair and two other members. The members, who shall hold, or shall have previously held, an appointment as a permanent salaried judge, are appointed for a period of six years by the Riksdag Board.

The composition of the Board


Gudmund Toijer


  • Mari Andersson
  • Linda Haggren

Contact information

Postal address

C/o Riksdagsförvaltningen
SE 100 12 Stockholm

Data protection officer

The Riksdag Administration’s data protection officer is also the data protection officer for the Board.

Contact information

Postal address

Data protection officer
Sveriges riksdag
SE 100 12 Stockholm

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