Apply for EU funding

Here you can receive help about where to find information about EU funding, for example, for rural development, labour market, research, enterprise and cultural initiatives. The EU helps to fund projects in member states, as well as cooperation projects between several member states. As a private individual you cannot receive direct financial support from the EU. Private individuals can, however, participate in EU projects that are run, for example, by an organisation, school or employer.

Labour market, rural development and growth

The website guides users to the right form of funding

The website has been developed by the Swedish Board of Agriculture, Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, Swedish ESF Council, Swedish Police and Swedish Migration Board. Here you can read about the various EU funds that Swedish companies, authorities and organisations can apply for.

The website (in Swedish)

Nature conservation, protection of the cultural heritage, agricultural competitiveness

In order to ensure that there are agricultural products and that farmers can produce these at reasonable prices, it is possible to apply for agricultural funding from the Swedish Board of Agriculture. It is also possible to apply for funding for nature conservation and protection of the cultural heritage.

Energy and the environment

Energy efficiency, innovation and business development

At the Swedish Energy Agency, you can apply for funding for energy efficiency measures, research, innovation and business development. 

Funding and grants in the field of energy on the Swedish Energy Agency website (in Swedish)

Environment and climate

At the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, you can apply for funding for projects involving environmental issues and to combat climate change.

Grants on the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency website (in Swedish)

When farmers cultivate and maintain their land in a way that is good for the environment, they can apply for environmental funding and investments. This is done through the Swedish Board of Agriculture.

Funding for renewable energy on the Swedish Board of Agriculture website (in Swedish)

Public health

The EU health programme 2021–2027

The EU health programme EU4Health is the European Commission’s programme for EU funding in the field of healthcare. The Public Health Agency of Sweden provides information about the programme.

The EU health programme on the Public Agency of Sweden website

Research and innovation

The EU’s framework programme Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is the EU’s framework programme for research and innovation, from which businesses, organisations and research institutes can apply for EU funding. The programme covers the period 2021–2017 and has three main focuses: excellent science, global challenges and European industrial competitiveness and innovative Europe. The Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems is Sweden’s contact agency for the programme.

Horizon Europe on the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems website

Regional investments in research and innovation

Programmes and projects within the European Regional Development Fund (ERUF) are designed, for example, to strengthen research, technical development and innovation at the regional level in the EU member states. The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth is one of several agencies behind the website, and is responsible for information about available EU funding under the ERUF.

The European Regional Development Fund on the website

Innovations in agriculture, gardening and reindeer husbandry

You can apply for funding for research and innovations relating to agriculture, gardening and reindeer husbandry from the Swedish Board of Agriculture.

Funding for innovations and research (in Swedish)

Competitiveness of businesses

Find various forms of funding to businesses

The EU provides funding to entrepreneurs and businesses through a number of EU programmes. On the Your Europe website, you can search for various forms of EU funding to businesses in Sweden.

Funding on the Your Europe website (in Swedish)

The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth’s EU programmes

The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth is responsible for various forms of funding to businesses and organisations that run or plan to run EU projects.

EU programmes on the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth website (in Swedish)

Integration and migration

Asylum, integration and returns

EU funding may be applied for within the framework of the EU’s common asylum and migration policy. Organisations in Sweden can apply for joint funding for projects relating to asylum, integration and returns. The Swedish Migration Board manages the European Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund in Sweden.

EU funds on the Swedish Migration Board website (in Swedish)

Cultural and creative sectors

The EU framework programme Creative Europe 2021–2027

Creative Europe is the European Commission’s programme for the cultural and creative sectors. The programme is divided into three areas: culture, media (film, television, computer games and multimedia) and a cross-sectoral programme area. The Creative Europe Desk Sweden (Swedish Arts Council and Swedish Film Institute) is a national point of contact for the programme in Sweden. 

Creative Europe 2021–2027 on the Swedish Arts Council website (in Swedish)

Cooperation across borders

Cooperation between regions in various EU countries

The INTERREG programmes provide EU funding for joint programmes, projects and networks to actors in towns and regions in various EU member states. The programmes are financed by the European Regional Development Fund. 

On the website, you can receive information about INTERREG programmes in your region and the responsible agencies. The website has been developed by the Swedish Board of Agriculture, Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, Swedish ESF Council, Swedish Police and Swedish Migration Board.

INTERREG on the website (in Swedish)

Exchanges, trainee positions and collaboration

Trainee positions at the EU institutions and EU exchanges

Through the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR), you can, for example, obtain information about work and trainee positions at the EU institutions and about possibilities for exchanges in the EU for state employees.

International opportunities on the UHR website (in Swedish)

Education, youth and sport

Erasmus+ is an EU programme for international cooperation in education, youth and sport which enables, for example, youth, teacher, pupil and student exchanges, study visits, continuing professional development and cooperation projects. The Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society (MUCF) is responsible for the youth and sports parts of the programme. The Swedish Council for Higher Education is responsible for the education part.

Erasmus+ on the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society website (in Swedish)
Erasmus+ on the UHR website (in Swedish)

Europe for Citizens

The EU programme Europe for Citizens is intended to promote democratic participation among EU citizens and to encourage reflection on the EU’s history and future. Local authorities, NGOs and other organisations can apply for grants for international cooperation and projects on the theme democracy and history. The Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society provides information about the programme in Sweden and helps organisations with the application process.

Human rights and values on the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society website (in Swedish)