Lars Wistedt (SweDem)

Tjänstgörande riksdagsledamot

Uppsala County, seat 287
Birth year
Sveriges riksdag, 100 12 Stockholm

Current assignments

Member of Parliament

Ordinary member

Committee on Defence

Deputy Chair

Committee on Justice

Deputy member

Committee on Foreign Affairs

Deputy member

Committee on European Union Affairs

Deputy member

The Swedish Delegation to the Nordic Council

Deputy member

The Riksdag Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly

Deputy member

All assignments

Member of Parliament

Ordinary member
2022-09-26 – 2026-09-21

Committee on Defence

Deputy Chair
2023-11-30 – 2026-09-21
2023-11-28 – 2023-11-30
Deputy member
2022-10-04 – 2023-11-28

Committee on the Constitution

Deputy member
2022-10-04 – 2023-09-20

Committee on Education

Deputy member
2022-10-04 – 2023-09-20

Committee on Justice

Deputy member
2022-10-12 – 2026-09-21

Committee on Foreign Affairs

Deputy member
2023-11-28 – 2026-09-21

Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence

2024-05-23 – 2024-06-18
Deputy member
2022-10-20 – 2022-12-21

Committee on European Union Affairs

Deputy member
2022-10-12 –

The Swedish Delegation to the Nordic Council

Deputy member
2022-10-11 – 2024-10-31

The Riksdag Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly

Deputy member
2024-04-10 –


The information in the biography is information that the commissioner has submitted to the publication Fakta om folkvalda.

Uppdrag inom riksdag och regering

Riksdagsledamot 22–. Ordförande försvarsutskottet 23–. Suppleant sammansatta utrikes- och försvarsutskottet 22, konstitutionsutskottet 22–23, utbildningsutskottet 22–23, EU-nämnden 22–, försvarsutskottet 22–23 och justitieutskottet 22–. Suppleant Nordiska rådets svenska delegation 22–.


Lektor Rolf Wistedt och reservpostexpeditören Inger Wistedt, f. Wrangstad.


Gymnasiekola, Bromma Gymnasium, slutår 83. Infanteriets Officershögskola, fänrik, slutår 86. Krigshögskolans allmänna kurs, löjtnant, slutår 88. Krigshögskolans högre kurs, kapten, slutår 90. Militärhögskolans allmänna kurs, major, slutår 04.


I11 Fo16/18, 84–88. I19/P5, 88–93. S1 Fo 47-48, 93–00. Mellersta Militärområdet/ -distriktet 00–05. Livgardet (HKV) 05–08. ABB, regional säkerhetschef, Asien/Afrika/Mellanöstern 08–18. Guide, Vasamuseet 19–20. Seco Tools, global säkerhetschef 20–21.

Kommunala uppdrag

Kommunfullmäktig, Enköping 22–. Ledamot upplevelsenämnden, Enköping 19–22. Ledamot, Enköpings kommuns moderaktiebolag 19–22. Politisk huvudman, Sparbanken Enköping 19–23.

Uppdrag inom förenings- och näringsliv

Ordförande, SD Enköping 20–.

Said and done

Here you will find what the member has said and done in the Riksdag. This can apply to motions, speeches in the chamber or interpellations and written questions to the government. Here you will also find what the government's ministers have said and done in the Riksdag. Use the filters to find among the documents.
