
Here you will find the latest information from the Riksdag.

Latest news

  • The Riksdag to participate in the 79th General Debate at the UN General Assembly

    A delegation from the Riksdag will the Summit of the Future and the General Debate at the UN General Assembly in New York on 21–27 September.

  • Debate between party leaders 11 September

    A debate between party leaders will be held at the Riksdag on Wednesday 11 September. During the debate, the leaders of all the parties represented in the Riksdag will have the opportunity to argue in favour of the policies they wish to pursue.

  • Start of the new parliamentary working year

    The Riksdag’s new working year – the 2024/25 Riksdag session – started on Tuesday 10 September. At 10.30 a.m. the members of the Riksdag convened for a roll-call in the Chamber. It was followed by a ceremony for the opening of the Riksdag session. Both events can be followed via the webcast service on the Riksdag website and in social media. Tuesday 10 September also marked the start of the general private members’ motions period.

  • HH the Amir of Qatar to visit the Riksdag

    On 3 September, the Speaker Andreas Norlén will receive HH the Amir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani. During the visit, they will discuss current security policy challenges together with the Amir’s delegation and members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

  • To editorial staff: Advance application is required for a photo location at the opening of the Riksdag session

    The opening of the Riksdag session will take place on Tuesday 10 September. In connection with the ceremony, there will be a limited number of photo locations available for the media. In order to be allocated a photo location, you need to apply in advance to cover the opening, and you also require media accreditation to the Riksdag.

  • Parliamentary NATO summit

    On 8–9 July, a parliamentary summit will take place in Washington, USA. From the Riksdag, Karin Enström (Moderate Party), Chair of the delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, will be participating.

  • The role of parliaments in the current security policy situation on the agenda at the OSCE PA summer session

    Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the security policy challenges in the OSCE region and a special debate on the situation in the Middle East were among the topics discussed at the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s summer session in Bucharest, Romania on 29 May–3 July.

  • JPSG Europol invitation to forum for fundamental rights

    The Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on Europol (JPSG) has recently adopted overall provisions for a forum for fundamental rights which will assist the JSPG with independent advice. The Riksdag delegation to the JPSG has participated in this work. The JPSG has now published an invitation for those who wish to be a part of the forum.

  • Russia's war of aggression with Ukraine on the agenda at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe summer session

    On 24–28 June, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, PACE, held its summer session, in which five members of the Riksdag participated. Discussions at the Assembly included Russia’s war of aggression with Ukraine and the situation in Gaza.

  • The Riksdag votes in favour of defence agreement with the USA

    The Riksdag had approved the agreement on defence cooperation between Sweden and the USA. The Defence Cooperation Agreement (DCA agreement) regulates the specific conditions for an American military presence in Sweden.

  • Chilean President visits the Riksdag

    The Speaker Andreas Norlén received the President of Chile Gabriel Boric Font on 14 June for a meeting at the Riksdag. Members of the Committees on Foreign Affairs, Industry and Trade, Transport and Communications and Education also participated in the meeting.

  • Colombian President to visit the Riksdag

    The Speaker Andreas Norlén will host a dinner with the Colombian President Gustavo Petro Urrego on 12 June in connection with the President's official visit to Sweden. The visit is the culmination of this year’s 150th anniversary of bilateral relations between Sweden and Colombia

  • It will be easier to enforce decisions involving deprivation of liberty

    Law enforcement authorities will be given better tools to quickly and effectively find wanted persons and to find aliens who pose a serious security risk. The Riksdag voted in favour of the Government’s proposal.

  • Amendments to the Minerals Act

    Permit procedures for mines in Sweden are to made more efficient. The Riksdag voted in favour of the Government’s proposal for amendments to the Minerals Act, according to which Natura 2000 permits will no longer be a precondition for being able to grant an application for an exploitation concession.

  • Measures for safer residential areas

    In order to create safer residential areas throughout the country, the Government has proposed that property owners should be given greater scope to terminate rental contracts for tenants who commit crimes. The Riksdag voted in favour of the proposals, and the amendments will come into force on 1 July 2024.

  • Clearer provisions concerning agitation against a population group

    The Riksdag has voted in favour of the Government’s proposal on an amendment to the Swedish Criminal Code and has adopted the Government’s proposal for amendments to the Freedom of the Press Act to be held in abeyance.

  • Nuclear Waste Fund to cover more costs

    Municipalities are to be reimbursed to a greater extent for their costs in connection with management and final disposal of spent nuclear fuel and nuclear waste. The Riksdag voted in favour of the Government's proposal, which means that more of the municipalities’ costs will be covered by the Nuclear Waste Fund.

  • King and Queen of Denmark visit the Riksdag

    The Speaker Andreas Norlén received the King of Denmark Frederik X and Queen Mary in connection with their state visit to Sweden on 6 May. During their visit to the Riksdag, the royal couple also met the party group leaders of the Riksdag.

  • Members of the Riksdag observe elections in North Macedonia

    Parliamentary elections will be held in North Macedonia on 8 May. Eight members of the Riksdag are participating in an international delegation which will observe the elections. A Swedish member is the head of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA) delegation.

  • Yes to an extended travel ban for children

    The Committee on Health and Welfare has proposed that the Riksdag vote in favour of a more comprehensive travel ban for children and young people.

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The Riksdag this week, 16–22 September


The Committee on EU Affairs will visit Finland on 16–17 September.


Interpellation debates.


Debate in connection with the presentation of the Budget Bill. Minister for Finance Elisabeth Svantesson (Moderate Party) will present the Government’s Budget Bill to the Riksdag. 


Interpellation debates, during which the Minister for Foreign Affairs Maria Malmer Stenergard (Moderate Party) will answer an interpellation on the introduction of ecocide as an international crime.


Guided tours of the Riksdag.

Photo: Melker Dahlstrand

The opening of the Riksdag session 2024

The Riksdag opened again on Tuesday 10 September. The opening marked the start of the new parliamentary working year, the 2024/25 Riksdag session, for both the Riksdag and its 349 members.

The opening of the Riksdag session 2024

Illustration: The Riksdag Administration

The general private members' motions period

Once a year, members of the Riksdag can submit proposals on virtually any issue that the Riksdag can take decisions on. This is known as the general private members' motions period. The 2024 general private members' motions period starts on Tuesday 10 September at 10.30 a.m. and ends on Friday 4 October at 4.30 p.m.

The general private members' motions period

Illustration: The Riksdag Administration

Elections to the European Parliament 2024

Elections to the European Parliament took place at the beginning of June. In Sweden, the elections took place on 9 June. Citizens in Sweden elected the people who will represent them during the coming five years. Here you can read more about important events after the elections to the European Parliament. 

Elections to the European Parliament 2024

Press conference – illustration
Illustration: The Riksdag Administration

Covering the work of the Riksdag

If you are a journalist or photographer wishing to work in the Riksdag buildings or to monitor the work of the Riksdag, you will find the necessary information here.


Illustration. Person with computer.
Illustration: The Riksdag Administration

Social media

Follow the work of the Riksdag and the Speaker on social media. The Riksdag can be found on X, Instagram and Youtube, and the Speaker on X and Instagram.