
Here you will find the latest information from the Riksdag.

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    The Riksdag this week, 16–22 September


    The Committee on EU Affairs will visit Finland on 16–17 September.


    Interpellation debates.


    Debate in connection with the presentation of the Budget Bill. Minister for Finance Elisabeth Svantesson (Moderate Party) will present the Government’s Budget Bill to the Riksdag. 


    Interpellation debates, during which the Minister for Foreign Affairs Maria Malmer Stenergard (Moderate Party) will answer an interpellation on the introduction of ecocide as an international crime.


    Guided tours of the Riksdag.

    Photo: Melker Dahlstrand

    The opening of the Riksdag session 2024

    The Riksdag opened again on Tuesday 10 September. The opening marked the start of the new parliamentary working year, the 2024/25 Riksdag session, for both the Riksdag and its 349 members.

    The opening of the Riksdag session 2024

    Illustration: The Riksdag Administration

    The general private members' motions period

    Once a year, members of the Riksdag can submit proposals on virtually any issue that the Riksdag can take decisions on. This is known as the general private members' motions period. The 2024 general private members' motions period starts on Tuesday 10 September at 10.30 a.m. and ends on Friday 4 October at 4.30 p.m.

    The general private members' motions period

    Illustration: The Riksdag Administration

    Elections to the European Parliament 2024

    Elections to the European Parliament took place at the beginning of June. In Sweden, the elections took place on 9 June. Citizens in Sweden elected the people who will represent them during the coming five years. Here you can read more about important events after the elections to the European Parliament. 

    Elections to the European Parliament 2024

    Press conference – illustration
    Illustration: The Riksdag Administration

    Covering the work of the Riksdag

    If you are a journalist or photographer wishing to work in the Riksdag buildings or to monitor the work of the Riksdag, you will find the necessary information here.


    Illustration. Person with computer.
    Illustration: The Riksdag Administration

    Social media

    Follow the work of the Riksdag and the Speaker on social media. The Riksdag can be found on X, Instagram and Youtube, and the Speaker on X and Instagram.