Finnish President to visit the Riksdag


On 23 April, the Speaker Andreas Norlén will receive the Finnish President Alexander Stubb in connection with the President's state visit to Sweden. In addition to the Speaker, the President will meet party group leaders of the Riksdag.

Issues for discussion at the meeting will include the war in Ukraine, current matters relating to NATO and bilateral relations between Sweden and Finland.

The President will deliver a speech

During his visit to the Riksdag, President Stubb will deliver a speech in the former Second Chamber at 11.45 a.m. entitled “Sweden and Finland – the same, different and inseparable”. Seats should be taken no later than 11.35 a.m. The speech will be in Swedish and interpretation into English will be provided on the Riksdag website. The speech will take approx. 20 minutes. Following this, if time allows, members of the Riksdag may ask questions. 

The King and Queen will be present at the Riksdag during the President's speech.

Journalists with Riksdag media accreditation who are not participating in the state visit otherwise but who wish to listen to the speech in the former Second Chamber can contact the Speaker’s press secretary. 

Broadcast of the speech

The speech may be viewed live or on demand via the Riksdag webcast service. These broadcasts may be sent on to media companies and other websites. 

Sending on of broadcasts


The President of Finland is visiting Sweden at the invitation of HM The King. The purpose of the visit is to continue developing and deepening the close cooperation between our countries. Overall themes of the visit include security and defence policy cooperation, cooperation regarding trade, investments, research and innovation for increased global competitiveness, and the promotion of international contacts. The two-day visit will take place in Stockholm and Gothenburg. 

For further information

Lena Eklöf, International Department of the Riksdag, telephone +46 8 786 60 42,

Pernilla Eldblom, Press Secretary to the Speaker, telephone +46 72 209 59 14,