Tredje vice talmannen deltog i möte för parlamentariskt nätverk till Krimplattformen


Den 23–24 oktober deltog tredje vice talman Kerstin Lundgren vid det parlamentariska nätverket till Krimplattformens andra möte. Mötet hölls i Prag under värdskap av Ukrainas talman Ruslan Stefanchuk och Tjeckiens talman Markéta Pekarová Adamová.

Mötet med Krimplattformens parlamentariska nätverk ägde rum i Prag kongresscenter och talmän från parlamenten i 40 länder deltog, liksom representanter för Europaparlamentet.

Under dagarna i Prag hade tredje vice talmannen också bilaterala möten med talmanskollegor från olika länder.

Krimplattformen lanserades i Kiev 2021 för att belysa konsekvenserna av Rysslands olagliga annektering av Krim. Sveriges regering deltog med stats- och försvarsministrarna vid lanseringen av Krimplattformen som bildades av 48 stater och flera internationella organisationer. Plattformen syftar till att samordna frågor om policy för icke-erkännande, sanktioner, mänskliga rättigheter, säkerhet och navigeringsfrihet, samt ekonomiska och miljökonsekvenser på regerings-, parlamentarisk och expertnivå.

Tredje vice talmannens inlägg (på engelska) vid mötet:

Det talade ordet gäller.

"Your Excellencies, colleagues,

Thank you for organising this event, on such a crucial topic. Crucial for Ukraine, and for all of us.

Russia’s full scale invasion of Ukraine is a blatant violation of international law and the European security order. Russia’s hineous acts are an attack on democracy, on HR and on international law. A war of aggression. 

We have, in these troubled times, been reminded of the importance of cross-border cooperation and parliamentary cooperation, solidarity and joint efforts to promote peace and democracy. In the face of this, the democratic and parliamentary assignments are becoming increasingly important.

These are indeed troubled times, but also a time of unity and determination. The Ukrainian people have shown the world that they are willing to defend their independence. This show of resolve has been an inspiration to all of us.

Regarding Ukraine, Crimea and Russia´s illegal full-scale war on a friendly neighbour I can, as the third vice Speaker of the Swedish Parliament, confirm that the Swedish parliament stands united in its support for Ukraine. We will continue to support Ukraine for as long as it takes.  

I quote the Swedish prime minister Ulf Kristersson, who said the following in his Statement of Government Policy, delivered in the Riksdag last month:

“The defence of Ukraine’s freedom and sovereignty will be the main task of foreign policy in the years ahead. Ukraine’s fate is intertwined with that of Europe as a whole. The country is now fighting a battle for its very existence. 

Just under a year ago, I said in this Chamber that Sweden would provide as much support as possible to Ukraine – politically, economically and militarily. Today I can state that Sweden is among the ten largest donors.”

Sweden have so far contributed support worth over SEK 27 billion swedish crowns. “Sweden has just announced a development cooperation strategy that is the single most comprehensive ever. Ukraine will now be our largest recipient of development cooperation. Within the framework of our support, Ukraine has received some of our most advanced weapons systems. Sweden will continue to support Ukraine for as long as it takes.”

By quoting the Prime Minister and underlining the strong support for Ukraine in all of the parties represented in our Parliament, the message I bring from the Swedish Parliament is loud and clear. We are determined. We are united. We will not waver. We will persevere. No matter how long it takes."