Rose-Marie Carlsson (SocDem)

Tjänstgörande riksdagsledamot

City of Malmö, seat 92
Birth year
Sveriges riksdag, 100 12 Stockholm

Current assignments

Member of Parliament

Ordinary member

Committee on Education

Deputy member

Committee on European Union Affairs

Deputy member

The Swedish Delegation to the Nordic Council

Deputy member

All assignments

Member of Parliament

Ordinary member
2024-01-31 – 2026-09-21
Off duty
2023-11-27 – 2024-01-30
Ordinary member
2023-07-17 – 2023-11-27
Off duty
2023-05-21 – 2023-07-16
Ordinary member
2022-09-26 – 2023-05-21

Member of Parliament

2011-11-01 – 2011-12-31
2009-09-14 – 2009-10-16
2008-06-09 – 2009-01-01

Committee on Education

Deputy member
2022-10-04 – 2026-09-21

Committee on Civil Affairs

Extra deputy member
2011-11-01 – 2011-12-31
Extra deputy member
2009-09-14 – 2009-10-16
Extra deputy member
2008-06-09 – 2009-01-01

Committee on Justice

Extra deputy member
2009-09-14 – 2009-10-16
Extra deputy member
2008-06-09 – 2009-01-01

Committee on European Union Affairs

Deputy member
2024-06-25 –

The Swedish Delegation to the Nordic Council

Deputy member
2023-01-26 – 2024-10-31


The information in the biography is information that the commissioner has submitted to the publication Fakta om folkvalda.

Uppdrag inom riksdag och regering

Riksdagsledamot 08, 09, 11 och 22– (ersättare 080609–090101, 090914–091016 och 111101–111231). Suppleant utbildningsutskottet 22–. Extra suppleant justitieutskottet 08 och 09 samt civilutskottet 08, 09 och 11. Suppleant Nordiska rådets svenska delegation 22–.


Grävmaskinisten Sixten Carlsson och receptionisten Stina Carlsson, f. Svensson


Grundskola. 2-årig vårdlinje. Kunskapslyftet, omvårdnadsteori, socialpsykologi och hälso- och sjukvårdsadministration.


Undersköterska, SUS Malmö 73–21.

Kommunala uppdrag

Kommunfullmäktig, Malmö 98–22. Ledamot kommunstyrelsen 06–22. Ledamot, 2:e vice ordförande och ordförande stadsdelsfullmäktige Västra innerstaden 95–13. Ordförande förskolenämnden 13–22.

Said and done

Here you will find what the member has said and done in the Riksdag. This can apply to motions, speeches in the chamber or interpellations and written questions to the government. Here you will also find what the government's ministers have said and done in the Riksdag. Use the filters to find among the documents.
